The Perijá Mountain Range shared by Columbia and Venezuela was next in our journey northward. It is a bit remote and up out of the valley to almost 10,000 ft, so we transferred our gear and ourselves into two four-wheel-drive vehicles to get up there. This is Villa Adelaide, a lovely little place we stayed on the trip up.
Rufous-capped Warbler
Swallow Tanager
Pale-breasted Spinetail
Lodge with rudimentary rooms on the left. Wonderful family-style meals in the small dining area on one end. It was COLD up there. But, they did have hot water.
The gardens were beautiful.
Rufous-naped Brushfinch
Sparkling Violetear
Blue-capped Tanager
White-sided Flowerpiercer female
White-sided Flowerpiercer male
Sparkling Violetear at flowers
Lacrimose Mountain-tanager
White-banded Tyrannulet
Columbia was a very clean country, very surprising to us, since other Central and South American countries seemed to have a lot of street and highway trash. There has obviously been a public service effort in and outside Columbian cities to promote proper disposal of trash. MUCH appreciated by us!
Perijá Metaltail male
Perijá Metaltail with red tail showing
Crimson-mantled Woodpecker
Tyrian Metaltail
So happy to have just a wee bit of sunlight for some photos of this endemic bird.
Blue-backed Conebill
Slaty Brushfinch
And just as the day was waning, along came the most special of appearances, a flock of about 5 Golden-headed Quetzals, calling constantly among themselves, posing helpfully in the fading light for a full 20 minutes, giving us photographers ample time to play.
Montane Woodcreeper
The next morning early, I got this little beauty... Black-crested Warbler.
Lacrimose Mountain-tanager, a common bird where we were.
Nice ear flash.
Andean Guan
White-throated Tyrannulet
Common Chlorospingus
Next we visit northern coastal areas which I think I'll combine into one blogpost. See you then.