• Columbia 2018 - Northern Coastal areas

    The northern coastal areas of Columbia are different from the south. One might say that the northern areas are closer to indigenous living and the south more "Spanishy." The music is different up north, having more Caribbean/African influence...commonly heard playing together are accordion, drums (tambor), and flute (gaita). The northern coastal areas definitely have more shacks and less commercial development. 

    Upon coming down from Perijá, we visited Los Flamencos, a neat coastal reserve. As soon as we exited the van, we were surrounded by birds, starting with a nesting Buffy Hummingbird.


    Female Vermilion Cardinal

    Slender-billed Tyrannulet with food for nestlings

    Vermilion Cardinal male

    So nice to have some solid sunlight down here on the coast

    Likely a nest down there since he stayed in this thicket so obligingly

    Scaled Dove

    Northern Scrub Flycatcher

    Russet-throated Puffbird

    White-whiskered Spinetail - handsome

    Buffy Hummingbird on nest from a different angle

    Yellow Oriole

    Black-crested  Antshrike, female

    "Like my hair?"

    "Why not?"

    What's your problem?

    And out she comes into the sun to show off her feather dress...

    Grey Kingbird

    White-fringed Antwren

    Greyish Saltator

    Inside national park - Indigenous people still living

    where and how they always have.

    Orinocan Saltator

    Trinidad Euphonia

    Note the gold cap

    Glaucous Tanager, juvenile, endemic

    Royal Tern

    Boat ride for tourists

    The next five images were actually taken at a lovely lodge named Colores de Sierra Nevada on the way up the mountain for our mountain excursion to El Dorado. Here we transferred to 4-wheel-drive vehicles again.

    Lineated Woodpecker

    White-lined Tanager male

    White-lined Tanager, female

    Pale-breasted Thrush singing

    And a few days later after that mountain trip, we came back to the coast to Parque Isla de Salamanca where the following images were captured.

    Golden-green Woodpecker

    Black-crowned Night-Heron, an old friend

    Rufescent Tiger-Heron

    Straight-billed Woodcreeper

    I like the color on this shot

    Great Egret

    Pied Puffbird

    Russet-throated Puffbird

    Lesser Nighthawk

    Stripe-backed Wren

    Look closely. He/she's catching a flying insect. Thank you, Wren. I should mention that the whole trip really was remarkably bug-free.

    I credit a plethora of birds for that. 

    Cattle Tyrant

    Ringed Kingfisher

    Brown-throated Parakeet

    Sticks in the way...my life story

    Sticks in front

    Finally only one small blocking stick

    Lineated Woodpecker..very happy with the lighting and proximity I enjoyed with this shot....but I was HOT, hot, hot at this location.

    Snail Kite with snail


    Cattle Egrets are extremely widespread in our travels, but they don't always look the same in my photos



  • Comments on this post (4 comments)

    • Michael Bowen says...

      Great photos! Love those Puffbirds.

      October 26, 2019

    • Mary C Burger says...


      October 11, 2019

    • Karen Palmunen says...

      So beautiful! Especially love the vermilion cardinal and the lineated woodpecker.

      July 23, 2019

    • Bonnie Beuning says...

      Amazing photography. The birds are awesome…I tried to pick a favorite, but couldn’t!

      July 23, 2019

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