• Trinidad and Tobago Hummingbirds

    We could hardly wait to get up in the mornings at the Asa Wright Nature Center. There was good hot coffee on the veranda along with, well untold numbers of beautiful hummingbirds and other beauties. I'll start with hummingbirds. My travel buddies all know these birds, so correct me if....

    Female White-necked Jacobin

    White-necked Jacobin, male


    Two fussing female Tufted Coquettes

    My most fortunate hummingbird capture, the Tufted Coquette, male

    And one of the most beautiful, the Long-billed Starthroat                             

    Remember how the Copper-rumped Hummingbird protected his feeder. 

    Thanks to Mary who pointed out the sunbathing Copper-rumped Hummingbird

    And, the not-too-often present Blue-chinned Sapphire

    That's all I could get, guys. Enjoy!

  • Comments on this post (1 comment)

    • Carol Ann Frontin De Peaza says...

      Lovely images of our birds. Hope to capture their beauty in my batik art..

      October 11, 2019

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