If you haven't been here...well, it's not too late.
Our daily Agouti
What the trees looked like
What the forest looked like
Bananaquits on the bar...must be tea time.
This little guy outside the chocolate "factory" didn't let a little rain spoil his play plans. Blanchisseuse Road.
Birder picnic.
More forest on Trinidad - near Asa Wright.
Scarlet Ibis in Caroni Marsh.
Bats under cabin eaves...but not the ones we saw every evening sipping from the hummingbird feeders.
Bellbird...big mouth...what a fantastic "song" that guy had! I sure wished I'd had my good camera with me...but then again...it was hot and uphill...maybe not.
White-bearded Manakin. We saw the other two also, the Blue-backed Manakin and the Golden-headed Manakin, but I didn't get pictures.
Here's our awesome guide David, feeling nostalgic at his old childhood climbing vine.
Remember Hermit the Hummer nesting on the light chain in the reading room.
Morning mist was very common.
I don't have pictures, but the butterflies were wonderful. We were just at the end of the rainy season, and I understand the flowers were poised to burst out in force in the coming dry season.
David's village, not far from Asa Wright.
Trinidad street.
Remember the Death March? Pretty farm...noisy dog.
Not Little Tobago, but a cute little isle anyway.
My favorite landscape capture - Tobago.
Cute little place for hummingbird viewing.
Stellar crew!
Jason on far left. Thanks for the companionship everybody. What a great trip!
Carol Blackard says...
Becky – Deepest thanks to you for letting me know about this trip and offering up some seats to us Denver folks. All of us had a wonderful time!
February 21, 2018
Becky Beckers says...
Carol thank you so much for going on this trip and taking such incredible photographs -definitely National Geo worthy – everyone is a WOW!!