
  • Trinidad and Tobago Euphonias and Tanagers

    I don't think you can top those Honeycreepers for the delicacy of their coloration, but Euphonias and Tanagers are not to be discounted either.

    Blue-Grey Tanager

    Palm Tanager on Trinidad

    Palm Tanagers on Tobago were quite friendly on Tobago and were often in the lobby of Cuffie River Lodge hanging on the "chandeliers". I thought they were more colorful than those on Trinidad.

    Silver-beaked Tanager female

    Another look

    Probably the best look I have of Silver-beaked Tanager female

    And the downright comical male Silver-beaked Tanager

    The White-lined Tanager was so hard to photograph! Black is hard.

    Another less-than-stellar trial on the Silver-beak

    The female Silver-beaked Tanager was sweet

    The Turquoise Tanager was a bear to photograph. Not a feeder bird. I got this one on a walk down the driveway at Asa Wright, but in the shade of the leaves. The one when it was on the bamboo shoots was just too far away.

    Violaceous Euphonia male


    Still noshing, but keeping an eye on me

    Female Violaceous Euphonea


    It's fun to reminisce.

    Next I'll move on to Jacamars and Trogons, see what I have there.



  • Trinidad and Tobago Honeycreepers

    The Asa Wright veranda viewing was heavy with's a sampling.

    Purple Honeycreeper, male

    Purple Honeycreeper, male and female

    Trees dripping with Honeycreepers. 

    Female Purple Honeycreeper

    Such a uniquely colored bird.

    Despite her lovely colors, she can still stay camouflaged when nesting.

    Green Honeycreeper

    Green Honeycreeper with his several blue/teal colors showing.

    Green Honeycreeper...lovely mandible.

    Green Honeycreeper

    Green Honeycreeper ogling something higher.

    Good old ubiquitous mobbing Bananaquits

    Red-legged Honeycreeper on Tobago fruit behind the Cuffie Lodge

     Next, Tanagers and Euphonias.


  • Trinidad and Tobago Hummingbirds

    We could hardly wait to get up in the mornings at the Asa Wright Nature Center. There was good hot coffee on the veranda along with, well untold numbers of beautiful hummingbirds and other beauties. I'll start with hummingbirds. My travel buddies all know these birds, so correct me if....

    Female White-necked Jacobin

    White-necked Jacobin, male


    Two fussing female Tufted Coquettes

    My most fortunate hummingbird capture, the Tufted Coquette, male

    And one of the most beautiful, the Long-billed Starthroat                             

    Remember how the Copper-rumped Hummingbird protected his feeder. 

    Thanks to Mary who pointed out the sunbathing Copper-rumped Hummingbird

    And, the not-too-often present Blue-chinned Sapphire

    That's all I could get, guys. Enjoy!

  • Trinidad and Tobago December 2017

    Trinidad and Tobago is a bit of a secret paradise...a tropical wonderland that is less "discovered" than some and happily not damaged by recent hurricanes. Hubby and I and a group of Audubon supporters enjoyed several days at the Asa Wright Nature Center on Trinidad and three more days at the Cuffie River Nature Retreat on Tobago.

    A highlight was a magical twilight boat ride in the Caroni Mangrove Swamp where we were treated to the evening flight of Scarlet Ibis returning from scattered feeding locations in the swamp to their favorite mangrove island for night roosting....all while sipping Asa Wright's world-famous Rum Punch! 

    Happy Holidays!

  • More of our October 12-16/2017 RV trip

    In addition to Sandhill Cranes, we had other lovely experiences on our fall birding trip to Lathrop State Park and Mueller State Park.


  • October in Colorado

    Fall is a beautiful time in Colorado. Sandhill Cranes, Mountain Bluebirds, Steller Jays, Horned Larks and others on my blog.